Estimate updated by jbrooksctbla.
MDCE Fleet Science Center
F. Salter
MDCE Fleet Science Center
F. Salter
(1)This estimate will expire in 7 days. Once this estimate has expired the client must request a new estimate. The terms and quoted prices after this estimate expires may differ from the original estimate.
(2) Payment must be made via credit card through the Trinity Digital Design invoicing system. Any other form of payment such as, but not limited to, cash, check, PayPal, wire transfer, money transfer apps such as Venmo and Cash App cannot be used and will not be accepted.
(3)Changes to the original development requests that extend development time past the allotted maximum times for each task listed above will be billed separately at $32/hour.
(4)Additional development requested by the client after accepting this estimate will be billed separately at $32/hour.
(5)This estimate does not include graphic design work. All graphic design, image editing, and video editing that is requested or becomes necessary will be billed separately at a rate of $32/hour.
Estimate updated by jbrooksctbla.
Estimate viewed by (jbrooksctbla) for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.